With the conclusion of the Great Galactic War, Terra and its colonies found itself part of a new collective of worlds which came to be known as the InterStellar Federacy, or "InterFed" for short. InterFed was a newly minted power, focused on both exploration and unification of the various inhabited human and xenoalien worlds making up the known worlds. The fading domination of the Promedians, with their former mandate from the distant Galactic Assembly, paved the way for the Terrans to rise to prominence and the era beginning in the 02260s became known as the "Terran Ascension".
Newly-built frigates of the InterStellar Federacy on manuevers over Potsdam Colony in the 36 Ophiuchi system. |
While both homeworlds of the Promedians (Promedia Prime in the 40 Eridani system and Promedia Secundis in the Chi Draconis system) played an important role in the foundation of InterFed, and their technologies contributed to the design process of an entire new generation of starships, as well as upgrades to previous VanGuard vessels. Gone were the massive lumbering Terran warships of the Alliance era and in their place were the new, more agile and sleek Exploration Cruisers.
The Exploration Cruisers of the 02260s were elegant and powerful designs. They crammed the weaponry of the previous generation of Superdreadnoughts into hulls the size of cruisers, to the point of completely putting the larger ships out of service as warships and relegating them to intersystem transports. |
The C-series of exploration scouts traveled far and wide during the 02250s and 02260s securing footholds on numerous uninhabited worlds throughout the region of space that would become dominated by Terran humanity. This particular example is Unit 57-Delta which explored the Cosmic Oracle world circling the nearby star Altair. |
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