As the 02200s came to an end and the new century dawned, the TransFed VanGuard commissioned a new line of starships, more advanced and heavily armed than anything that had gone before. Throughout the 02300s the VanGuard would continue to build larger and more powerful units in order to ensure the dominance of humanity in the known worlds. The partnership with the Promedians grew even stronger, despite the fact that the influence of their culture was on the decline throughout the Sirius Subsector.
VanGuard starships of the 02300s were among the most powerful and elegant every commissioned by Terra and her allies. These vessels continued the program of exploration begun in the previous century and expanded the reach and influence of the TranStellar Federacy throughout the local octant and quadrant of the Mosaic Galaxy. |
The first decade of the 02300s were marked by a significant Pauk attack on a major Terran settlement, which many in the InterFed political hierarchy called an act of terrorism. Surprisingly, the end result of the brief conflict that ensued was a withdrawal of the Pauk military presence back to their
Mother Cloud until the 02360s.
Despite the fact that Terra had come to the aid of the Pauks during the First Felinoid Incursion of the late 02220s the Pauk were quick to try to take advantage of the good will of the TranStellar Federacy and presented a recurring problem for the VanGuard. |
Regardless of the challenges being faced by the TranStellar Federacy and the Vanguard Fleet during the early 02300s, amazing accomplishments in exploration and interstellar diplomacy marked this era, as well as a move back home on Terra to create a singular homogeneous world culture that attempted to erase nationalistic sentiments and cultural differences. Fortunately for the future of mankind, those efforts ultimately proved unsuccessful. (NOTE: The dominance of the European Alliance during this time, especially led by the Commu-Socialization Party of the French Sixth Republic, is obvious from an overview of history and their efforts to control the VanGuard can be seen by the placement of Franco-European captains aboard most starships of this era).
The extra-galactic explorers ships of the late 02280s and 02290s made their triumphant return in the early 02300s, sharing the wonders of the Andromeda Galaxy with the citizens of Terra, while also bringing tales of the horrific destruction of numerous worlds and the analysis of the remnants left behind. Over time it became obvious that the Desolators must have originated from Andromeda and had left vast star clusters throughout that galaxy completely devastated, a fate they may have planned for the Mosaic Galaxy as well. |
The extra-galactic exploration program was ultimately unsuccessful and it wouldn't be until the late 04000s that humanity would once again venture to the shores of Andromeda. |
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